We will be meeting on May 1 (hybrid) to discuss two essays (below) by literary scholar Erin Huang, and anthropologist Sara Friedman. Both Profs. Huang and Friedman will be visiting campus as part of our workshop on May 12-13.
Date: May 1, 2023
Location: Humanities 1, 202, and online on zoom
Time: 4-5pm
Erin Y. Huang. “Ocean Media: Digital South China Sea and Gilles Deleuze’s Desert Islands.” Verge: Studies in Global Asias, vol. 7, issue 2, Fall 2021.
Sara L. Friedman. “Marital Borders: Gender, Population, and Sovereignty across the Taiwan Strait.” In Wives, Husbands, and Lovers: Marriage and Sexuality in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Urban China, eds. Deborah S. Davis and Sara L. Friedman. Redwood City: Stanford University Press, 2014.
Hi, I am a graduate student outside UCSC and I am very interested in this event. I wonder what is the Zoom link to this event. Thank you so much!
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